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The Patient outreach further has a responsibility of functioning to optimal level

Target group

    Paraplegia,quadraplegia or wheelchair-bound persons

    Persons utilizing attendant services

    Person utilizing prostheses

    Person with Brain injuries

    Person who are institutionalized

    Person who use ongoing medicaations or supplies on a regular basis

​​​Aim is to:

    Equip 'Disabled' clients with skills e.g. driving skills and IT skills;

    Facilitate occupational therapy e.g. return to work programs;

    Empower  clients with post traumatic vcational guidance;

    Cousel clients during emotional trauma (memory book program);

    Improved clients health and quality of life by procuring assertive devices for clients;

    Control clients medical conditions by facilitating drug utilization review;

    Curb medical complications by providing insight in medical conditions;

    Improve family & client mental health through care givers programs;

    Move patients from state of total dependency to independence with counseling;

    Place children with learning caused by the accident in special schools.


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