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  • Subject to the terms and conditions of the undertaking certificate, the injured, or the supplier, may claim the costs of accommodation in a hospital or nursing home or treatment of or rendering of a service or supplying of goods to the injured.
  • Where emergency medical treatment is provided to the injured (that is treatment to save the injured's life or a bodily function) the Fund's liability to compensate the injured or the supplier, as the case may be, is determined in accordance with a prescribed tariff.

This will depend on the type of the claim which is submitted as indicated below: 

  • A tax invoice for medical expenses.
  • A Service contract, certified copy of the employee's ID and proof of the costs being incurred for a domestic worker, caregiver and/or gardener.
  • Details of the vehicle that is being used to transport the injured including the name of the owner and driver, purchase price of the vehicle, type, make and model of the vehicle, Distance traveled and tax invoice from the service provider.
  • Proof of the costs of special school fees, transport to and from the school and hostel fees before the accident together with the current costs (Tax invoice) 
  • Approved building plans of the house before the accident, photos of the areas which need to be altered and at least 2 fully specified reasonable quotes for the proposed building costs. 

...and have lodged a claim in terms of the relevant Workmen's Compensation legislation with which I have been successful?​
  • • When specifically excluded in the undertaking, the undertaking does not cover the costs of any compensation to which you would be entitled in terms of the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation legislation, the Defence Force Act, 1957, (Act No 44 of 1957), or another Act of Parliament governing the said Force.

  • Yes, if for example you were 20% to blame for the accident, the Fund will reduce your claims with 20% and pay you or the service provider 80% of the assessed costs you incurred.
  • If this situation applies to your case, we would like to urge you to plan ahead, before incurring any particular costs, so as to ensure that you will be able to pay for your own share of the costs from your own money, as the Fund will only reimburse you to the extent of its share.

  • The Road Accident Fund must be offered a reasonable period of time in which to assess its liability in respect of the claims lodged, enter the claims into the relevant computer system, perform the necessary enquiries, and thereafter arrange for Electronic Funds Transfer directly into your, or other nominated bank account.
  • You will be advised by way of a letter which claims have been admitted, how the amount of money paid into the bank account was made up, which claims require further explanation and which claims have been rejected as not being accident related or a claim in terms of the Undertaking.

  • Once you have specified quotations, contact the Undertakings Department by correspondence or per telephone, to find out whether the Fund regards the costs as both accident related and reasonable, and how much the Road Accident Fund will reimburse you, before you decide to incur said costs.

  • No, all that is required is that you must have incurred the obligation to pay the service provider. This means that a binding contract must have been concluded between yourself and the service provider. A quotation is therefore not sufficient proof that the costs have been incurred.

...I do not have the money to first pay and the claim from the Fund. How can the Fund assist me? 
  • The Fund is prepared to pre-authorise any treatment that you might require. The Fund is prepared to pay doctors and hospitals directly.
  • This would also assist you as you will have full knowledge, in advance of precisely what the Fund is covering. Any payment made by the Fund will not exceed the amount that would have in normal circumstances been paid to you.

  • The Fund employs Information officers at all branch offices of the Road Accident Fund to assist claimants free of charge. However a claimant may still decide to employ a lawyer. The lawyer will be entitled to charge a fee for professional services rendered.

