Customer Service Network (CSN) is a concept of the Road Accident which is aimed at accelerating, inter alia, delivery of the Road Accident Fund mandate through a central coordination of all customer touch-points in all provinces and to create a wider geographical reach and physical presence for our customers.
The key focus areas and objectives of the Customer Service Network (CSN) are to:
Pro-actively gather road accident facts and customer information to help reduce lag time prior to lodging claims and improve the rate of benefit processing
Improving the RAF’s accessibility and visibility to the public
Direct and early involvement in rehabilitation of road accident victims
Improving customers and stakeholders’ perception of the RAF
To proactively advise and represent victims of road accidents & service providers to the RAF and to actively engage to assist in the rehabilitation of the patient
Provide accessibility to RAF products and services and also act as a brand theatre for the Fund
Provide greater accessibility to the claimant and the various stakeholders, over extended hours through technology
Provide an administrative and support function for the RAF across all available channels
Provide accessibility to communities where RAF does not have physical presence.
CSN comprises of various Support Channels (service centre's) which are used to translate the business objectives into tangible outcomes:
Community Service Centre's (Walk-In Centre's)
Key Focus Areas:
Educating the public about RAF’s key service offerings (products)
Create convenient access for RAF customers
Represent the claimant from pre-lodgment through to settlement of claim
Involved in community brand activations.